There is neither security nor stability in materialism. Since colonialism and particurly the Indonesian occupation over West Papua, the Paradise has been destroyed, spiritually, mentally and physically.
As residents and protectors of the world's third-largest rainforest and largest tropical island, West Papuans have launched a 'Green State Vision' during COP26. This is the cutting-edge of indigenous proposals for addressing the world’s climate crisis.
We have our government-in-waiting, our constitution, and our cabinet. Now we have our Vision to guide us to our goal of independence and beyond. If you support us, you are making history in the struggle for survival for all human beings and our planet.
Green State Vision
West Papua independence leaders launched their ‘Green State Vision’ at COP26 in Glasgow, pledging to take decisive action to address the climate emergency and impact of natural resource extraction in an independent West Papua.
The Green State Vision was drafted with the assistance of international lawyers, namely Solon Law, International Lawyers for West Papua and UK-based barrister Jennifer Robinson of Doughty Street Chambers. It sets out commitments from West Papua’s ‘government-in-waiting’, including:
- Making ecocide a serious criminal offence
- Restoring guardianship of natural resources to indigenous authorities, combining Western democratic norms with local Papuan systems
- ‘Serving notice’ on all extraction companies, including oil, gas, mining, logging and palm oil, requiring them to adhere to international environmental standards or cease operations.
The Three Pillars of the Green State

Environmental and Social Protection

Customary Guardianship

Democratic Governance

Green State Vision
West Papua as a Green State is a vision for “Making Peace with Nature in the 21st century”, first in West Papua, then across our Pacific Islands family of countries and territories, and finally with international partners.

West Papua
West Papua is the western half of the island of New Guinea, bordering the independent nation of Papua New Guinea, it lies just 200km north of Australia, and is home to one of the oldest-surviving indigenous populations on earth.

Why Support Us?
The Green State Vision is our offer to the world. We have the just solution to the global climate crisis. My people have been looking after New Guinea’s green land for tens of thousands of years. Our rainforest are the lungs of the world, and we are its best guardians. The Indonesian government and multinational corporations are destroying our forest and killing our people.
Interim-President Benny Wenda

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We give our whole-hearted support to West Papuans’ right to self-determination and their move to create the Earth’s first Green State.